Aug. 1 2024
Measuring the success of your integrated marketing campaign should include a thorough, big-picture understanding of your efforts rather than simply reviewing individual channel data... View More
July 15 2024
I have had the pleasure of working in the information management and process automation fields for near 40 years. During this time, I held many different positions, two of which really opened my eyes... View More
article of month
Feb. 3 2023
Despite the difficulties, the pandemic has opened new opportunities for many SMEs... View More
Dec. 21 2022
Marketing doesn’t have to be a daunting task, nor does it have to cost an arm and a leg... View More
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Dec. 5 2022
Before we discuss the act of creating effective and personalized customer journeys, it is important to be reminded that the term “customer journey” tells us it’s the customer’s... View More
Oct. 27 2021
In today’s fast-paced world, compliance is often thought of as a necessary evil that only hinders business... View More
April 27 2021
Approximately two decades ago, document professionals began to look at routine documents, such as monthly invoices or statements, more closely and recognized the blank white space on the page was valu
May 6 2020
Will it be abandoned, or will addressing a few issues spur growth?... View More
Digital Experience Platform
July 30 2019
Analysts from the leading research firms—who examine the latest use cases for mission-critical customer journeys—are beginning to arrive at the same conclusion: Software products and platforms... View More
Adobe Buys Marketo
Sept. 20 2018
Today, Adobe announced what is seen as its largest acquisition to date and a move toward being a one-stop-shop for marketers, with their agreement to acquire marketing automation firm Marketo for $4.75... View More
Bills and Statements
April 24 2018
Take a moment to think about the communications you receive in your mailbox or inbox. Now, which communications stand out to you? If you're like the majority of consumers, the answer is your bills and... View More
April 18 2018
Customer engagement leader Thunderhead has introduced a new tool to understand customer intent in real time, identifying key opportunities for customer journey orchestration. Intent Analyzer aims to better... View More
ListenLogic 30
March 16 2018
Anexinet Corporation announced the release of ListenLogic 3.0, which introduces over 20 new enhancements for efficiently gathering data across contact center records, social media posts, email conversations,... View More
Integrating Marketing and Transactional Communicat
Nov. 30 2017
In two recent studies on the annual state of the transactional and marketing communications markets, respectively, we surveyed a total of 8,000 consumers and 1,200 enterprise professionals across North... View More
July 28 2017
X2Engine Inc, a global provider of open source enterprise Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, marketing and cloud services, announces the release of X2CRM version 6.9 of its enterprise CRM... View More
June 1 2017
Direct Marketing Automation provider Boingnet announced the general availability of its new, patent-pending “Audiences” technology. The announcement came during Boingnet CEO Dennis Kelly’s... View More
Oct. 19 2016
Once upon a time, healthcare payer communications with its members was transaction-oriented and compliance-driven. Today, as the healthcare payer landscape embraces personalized communications technologies... View More
June 22 2016
It’s this tension between orchestration and execution that I have seen in my travels looking at the digital marketing and sales technology markets—and, for the most part, a glaring hole where... View More
direct mail
May 19 2016
A recent InfoTrends study, co-sponsored by Prinova, titled "Direct Marketing Production Printing and Value-Added Services" found that 56% of marketer and print service provider respondents expect to send... View More
April 26 2016
According to the American Management Association, a great appeal of customer-centricity is that it takes very little business acumen to grasp its core concept: Focus intensely on customers, aligning your... View More
  • Customer Experience (CX) is not a new concept. It’s been around long enough for some analysts to predict that Customer Experience is “out” and Customer Effort (CE) is “in” (and both have an
  • Document fraud is an age-old problem that is becoming more complicated as technology becomes more sophisticated
  • Bills, invoices and statements are opened, read and acted upon by nearly everyone. So too are letters and notices — some surveys say up to 99%
  • In today’s fast-paced world, patience is a rare commodity, especially when dealing with the cumbersome task of filling out forms. Whether paper or digital, forms are often seen as necessary evils
  • Measuring the success of your integrated marketing campaign should include a thorough, big-picture understanding of your efforts rather than simply reviewing individual channel data