Scott Draeger

Scott Draeger is the SVP of Product Marketing and Vertical Solutions at Smart Communications. With a passion for collaboration, he focuses on how communications can be better for the recipient and perform better for the business. He started as a document designer using a collection of hardware and software technologies, before moving to the software side of the industry. His broad experience includes helping organizations improve heavily regulated customer communications in over 25 countries.
Jan. 30 2024
Sometimes small events happen, and we notice immediately. Sometimes important events happen, and we don’t notice at all. Something major happened in 2022. The CCM Market entered the Post-Prem Era
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May 24 2023
In terms of high-flying innovations, 2023 looks to be an amazing year for space technology... View More
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Dec. 5 2022
Before we discuss the act of creating effective and personalized customer journeys, it is important to be reminded that the term “customer journey” tells us it’s the customer’s... View More
Nov. 16 2022
As football season is underway in the USA, many of us are also well into our 2023 budget and planning periods. Your executives are priming their teams to win in 2023 and beyond. Given the current econ
Nov. 16 2022
When giving consideration to the communications that support your customer experience strategy, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the long-term impact of your choices... View More
June 2 2022
You’ve been pivoting without stopping. You’ve thought you arrived at a “new normal” three times in two years. You’ve been introduced to new colleagues that need new integrations.... View More
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March 25 2022
Just about everything’s been on pause since March 2020 and things have been “unpausing” bit by bit since the beginning of 2022... View More
Feb. 25 2022
To me, the road to the future looks like a winding road through the front windshield, but it seems to appear as a straight path from the rearview mirror. As we consider the future of omnichannel custo
Feb. 22 2022
Usually, I write predictions for the industry at the start of each year, but let’s try something different. Let’s talk about your predictions and how you will measure your 2022 plan against... View More
Sept. 28 2021
After spending two decades in the industry, I am aware that non-document people think what we do is boring. While it hurts my feelings a bit, they are right most of the time. If we plan, design, resea
Aug. 25 2021
Customer journey mapping as a CCM planning tool... View More
June 24 2021
There has been a lot in the news on the “Great Resignation,” an anticipated major wave of job changes as the pandemic slows down. Some resignations are simply pent up from people who didn’t... View More
May 17 2021
It’s interesting times for customer communications professionals... View More
Jan. 27 2021
We were given the opportunity to learn many lessons in 2020, probably more than we wanted to learn... View More
generic-year 2021
Dec. 11 2020
It’s tough for someone from Chicagoland to quote Vince Lombardi even once in an article, but it appears to be necessary to quote him twice as we prepare for 2021... View More
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Nov. 23 2020
Even the opening sounds of the sessions were special at DSF ‘20. From this first sound, we knew this event was going to make an impact... View More
Sept. 4 2020
Let’s look at the lessons of 2020 and turn those into 2021 budget items... View More
July 16 2020
Hitting unsubscribe is easy. We’ve all done it. It’s easy because the law requires it to be easy (and nobody likes paying fines). It’s also a best practice to make unsubscribing to emails... View More
June 22 2020
Simply put, the expectations of customers are increasing at a rate that will not afford us the luxury of inside out thinking anymore... View More
May 11 2020
Consider the type of communications sent, the channels used and the consistency of the communications sent during this crisis... View More
  • I have had the pleasure of working in the information management and process automation fields for near 40 years. During this time, I held many different positions, two of which really opened my eyes
  • Generative AI (Gen AI) has captured the imagination of industries worldwide, but the true potential lies in its practical applications
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a system designed for organizing, storing and retrieving media files and managing digital rights and permissions. DAM systems have become a core component of creative
  • Is Generative AI tipping the scales in favor of building Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software, or will it ever get to that point?
  • Information technology has undergone a major transformation in recent years, sparked by the rise of “big data.”