generic-video conference
Oct. 28 2020
The last six months have brought about changes to businesses, families and individuals in ways we never could have imagined... View More
generic work from home
Oct. 27 2020
Whether these changes are temporary or here to stay as a new world of work remains to be seen... View More
Oct. 21 2020
Having a well-managed CCM system ensures your ability to optimize the customer experience... View More
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Oct. 1 2020
Today, as misconfiguration becomes the greatest security risk to a public cloud IT infrastructure, it is critical that companies take proper preventative actions... View More
Sept. 28 2020
How bots will soon scrape web data for you... View More
generic qr code
Sept. 24 2020
It’s about time for some new ideas and a radical shake-up... View More
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Sept. 10 2020
Hybrid and virtual SOCs in the COVID-19 crisis are no longer optional... View More
Sept. 4 2020
Let’s look at the lessons of 2020 and turn those into 2021 budget items... View More
Aug. 26 2020
Looking for unconventional ways to motivate your employees to adopt a new system or create a livelier workplace? Discover what gamification is and how it can be applied... View More
generic up arrow
Aug. 17 2020
The first half of 2020 has been a wake-up call for many companies, requiring them to adapt to new business conditions at a moment’s notice. While the outdated, manual way of processing documents... View More
July 30 2020
Over the years, while customer communications management (CCM) systems continued to expand with new features and capabilities that enhanced the customer experience, security was not always at the top... View More
July 16 2020
IDC has predicted that by 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) will be integral to every part of the business. There’s no doubt it is already having an impact in the workplace. From simplifying and... View More
July 16 2020
Hitting unsubscribe is easy. We’ve all done it. It’s easy because the law requires it to be easy (and nobody likes paying fines). It’s also a best practice to make unsubscribing to emails... View More
July 9 2020
As organizations become more digital -- thanks in large part to COVID-19 -- they must identify how to best respond to customers appropriately, quickly and via preferred channels... View More
June 30 2020
A recent research study by Aspire entitled, “The State of CCM-to-CXM Transformation” uncovered exciting intelligence on the radical changes transforming the Customer Communications Management
June 22 2020
Simply put, the expectations of customers are increasing at a rate that will not afford us the luxury of inside out thinking anymore... View More
June 10 2020
Companies that provide CCM solutions are carrying on routinely in most segments... View More
June 4 2020
With customer communications being a key lifeline of your business, an automated, modern CCM system can be critical to your continued success... View More
May 28 2020
With the start of a new decade, it seems like an appropriate time to look at some of the current CCM trends... View More
May 20 2020
Document version control can be interesting. Ongoing official versions of the U.S. Constitution exist, for example, as do the drafts leading up to its initial adoption. The Constitution, like most doc