If a survey were performed on a group of random business people asking what they think of when they hear the words "project manager," it is very likely that a majority of them would say things like, "task... View More
For all the changes we have had to make recently, I am suggesting one more. It is time to change how we create and manage customer communications. Seriously, it is time.There is an entire generation o
What is Intelligent Document Processing? Many organizational processes are still dominated by paperwork. Even if most documents are now digitized, manual analysis of their content remains the rule... View More
Many businesses are still adapting their information management strategies to account for document sharing, anywhere-anytime access and data security... View More
To me, the road to the future looks like a winding road through the front windshield, but it seems to appear as a straight path from the rearview mirror. As we consider the future of omnichannel custo
Usually, I write predictions for the industry at the start of each year, but let’s try something different. Let’s talk about your predictions and how you will measure your 2022 plan against... View More
Many of today’s business owners are using AI tech to help improve customer experience. Here are some ways where you can use AI to leave a lasting impression.Create Better Targeted AdsNo one would... View More
Digital transformation is impossible unless you understand your business processes. Poorly designed or outdated business processes cost organizations money — in lost customers, missed opportunities
The effort and expense necessary to unify customer communications systems is easily underestimated. Most companies don’t have a document system. They have many of them!... View More
It can be tempting to hang on to out-of-date methods while in the process of a digital transformation. If you use manual workflows and juggle spreadsheets, staying ahead feels impossible... View More
As the national economy gradually re-opens, many employers have vowed to continue offering remote working opportunities to staff that do not need to be in the office to complete their tasks. After scr
Over the past few years, and even as recent as last week, organizations have suffered from ransomware attacks and/or have been affected by data breaches. These attacks have become so frequent that the
In a world filled with mobile smart devices and content flowing in a variety of digital channels, one might wonder what value print has in a largely digitally transformed age... View More
2021 was an interesting year for the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) space, and all of us participating is this ever-morphing market. Gartner’s latest Competitive Landscape Report on IDP Vendo
Through the decades, I have been asked many times to explain the difference between data and information — in lay terms. The reason is that today, data is the reference for everything.Let’s... View More
Plenty has been written and will continue to be written about the modernization of document capture technology. After all, it's not every day that tech giants Microsoft, Google and Amazon suddenly ju... View More
After more than a year of adapting business models due to COVID-19, many businesses have come to realize that supporting a remote workforce is a viable option, and one that in some cases, delivered hi