Remember when you used to be able to go to your local grocery store? They were small and modest by today’s standards, but they knew you when you came in and suggested the best steaks or picked out... View More
Many of the 2015 articles about customer communications focused on the benefits of thinking about customer experience. In 2016, information technology (IT) project owners will be moving customer experience... View More
GMC Software Technology (GMC), a leader in Customer Communications Management (CCM), released a study it commissioned from Forrester Consulting to evaluate how financial services are improving their customer... View More
The state of collaboration has forever been changed—no longer is the technology provider determining what capabilities people need. People are determining this for themselves, dictating what capabilities... View More
As I returned home from what was my last business trip of 2015, I was thinking about the year that passed. It was an incredible year for customer communications, and I was able to connect with communication... View More
The inexorable march toward customer experience and engagement strategies sweeping though organizations of all industries is changing the way we think and operate as businesses. Gartner predicts, “By... View More
It doesn’t take much. Some ill-advised, off-the-cuff change in language can damage a public figure’s image overnight, making him or her seem dishonest, insensitive, or ignorant. Skilled polit
Digital transformation has moved up in the list of enterprise priorities for good reason, but getting beyond the standard pundit exhortations to go “digital first” means answering a practical... View More
As we enter the final stages of 2015, I reflect upon what has been happening in the collaboration space. We’ve seen the emergence of mobile collaboration and its impact on how people work. The workforce... View More
The next big thing in customer communications might well be personalized video. While the idea of videos that deliver content relevant to each customer’s situation and needs isn’t new, so far,... View More
As the concept of customer experience management (CEM) appears as a way to improve customer experience (CX), many enterprises are undergoing exercises in customer journey mapping. These sessions can involve... View More
Competition among companies in all industries has never been more intense when it comes to acquiring and retaining customers—and technology will certainly play a central role as these organizations... View More
We are arriving at the end of 2015, and this usually leads to a number of wishes considering the year to come. This article suggests 10 wishes for next year’s business success. One, “I will... View More
Autumn is that time of year where it is incumbent upon us in the industry to deliver both our predictions and forward-thinking vision of the future and our writing coverage plans for the following year... View More
Corporations are a class of life on planet Earth, along with humans, the animal species, the vegetal world and the planet itself (with its own sub-classes of seas, mountains, wind, oxygen and whatnot).... View More
When we talk about customer communication strategy, the most common topic is the context of the communication. We can start by looking at the context of the pressures you face in terms of "more and less."
If 2016 is anything like every other year, your news feed in the new year will start off with tweets, posts and articles about “Trends in Communications for 2016.” For all the buzz on the upcoming
For the past 12 months, Dr. Joe Webb, director of WhatTheyThink's Economics and Research Center, has been detailing a significant uptick in commercial printing shipments over year-ago numbers. In his... View More
As you might have noticed, our special GRAPH EXPO/ARMA 2015 issue represents the sometimes-contentious marriage of two worlds—print and digital. While they’re not necessarily the yin to each... View More
Generative AI (GenAI) is set to revolutionize the Customer Communications Management (CCM) industry, driving profound changes in how businesses interact with their customers
Today, executives are excited about the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) to help their businesses grow and innovate, potentially transforming every part of work, delighting customers with new e
Personalization is the core of what we do in CCM, and we do this on a scale that still requires specialized software that cannot be replaced by marketing or office editing tools. The number of persona