Jeroen Huinink

Jeroen Huinink is Vice President of Product Marketing at Lexmark Enterprise Software. He has global responsibility for the customer communications and electronic signature product lines. With 18+ years of industry experience, he has a deep understanding of the space and currently focuses on helping organizations make the digital transformation. Jeroen holds a master’s degree in computing science from the Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where he also lives with his wife and three teenage boys.
July 28 2016
Customer expectations are at an all-time high, placing added pressure on organizations everywhere. In turn, organizations have high expectations of their employees—to do their jobs quickly, accurately,...
June 14 2016
In today’s 24/7 omni-channel world, consumers routinely have anytime, anywhere access to information about the brands, products, and services they’re interested in. It’s this access that...
April 27 2016
In today's business environment, everyone's talking about "digital strategy," "digital agility" and “digital transformation," but what does it all mean? You know you need it, but until you understand...
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    In today's fast-paced world, organizations face increasing pressure to optimize productivity and streamline operations. The introduction of Microsoft Copilot represents a quantum leap forward in enterprise productivity, offering a powerful tool that integrates...
  • In today's fast-paced world, effective customer communication is not just a business obligation — it's a crucial part of the customer experience. Unfortunately, many organizations are bogged down
    In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it
  • business-7304257_1280
    Clear, branded, engaging, and 100% accurate—these are the hallmarks of effective customer communications. Yet, for many organizations, creating them at scale remains a challenge
    In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it