April 22 2014
Other than not really understanding what information management is, the single biggest obstacle to information management at most organizations is the lack of a viable business case: If you can’t... View More
April 22 2014
Organizations have been dealing with digital technologies for decades, but the last five years have seen some remarkable leaps in capabilities that led directly to cost reductions and vast increases in... View More
March 31 2014
Applying Six Sigma process improvement methodology and electronic content management (ECM) technology to documents currently stored in email, shared network drives and paper can result in a significant... View More
March 27 2014
Technology has been both a boon and a bane to large corporations. On the one hand, it has helped them move massive amounts of information to evermore people. On the other, it has created a monster they... View More
March 26 2014
It’s not debatable; the digital world is expanding faster than most of us can keep up with. The trends all show an accelerating growth in the connected world. Gartner estimates that worldwide device... View More
March 24 2014
\"The Potential Marketing Opportunity of Big Data.\" \"Large-Scale Customer Data Breaches.\" Stories like these have factored prominently in the business headlines thus far in 2014, placing companies’... View More
March 17 2014
A recent survey by the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum of executives and senior managers revealed that prospective conference attendees ranked collaboration as the number one conference session choice. This is... View More
Nov. 26 2013
Digital and machine-generated content is driving extreme data growth. A recent Microsoft survey of 282 US IT decision-makers found that 32% expect the amount of data they store to double over the next... View More
Aug. 13 2013
The age-old story of finding the right one never gets old, does it? Along with our rights to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” it seems a human condition to chase the seemingly... View More
April 24 2013
The importance of your business strategy—where and how you serve your markets—is clear. What’s not so clear is why some organizations are able to harness their vision to deliver real... View More
March 26 2013
For purposes of discussion in this article, the term document is defined as "recorded information or an object which can be treated as a unit." Document management, often referred to as document management... View More
Nov. 29 2012
@import url(/Uploads/Public/Images/Media/AdvancedRTFTool/maincss.css); A change management vision that's good for the organization, employee and customer A customer communications management initiative... View More
5 practices
March 25 2012
The electronic document management system (EDMS), as we know it, has been available for almost 20 years. In the early days, all projects involved simple, out-of-the-box deployments or customized projects.... View More
July 20 2011
Identify a change leader who has organizational change management experience. Look for people who have helped with mergers and acquisitions or significant business process changes. Have a clear vision... View More
June 6 2011
Please check back later for all of our latest news articles and releases. Back to By Topic » ... View More
Aug. 27 2009
The saying, "Change is hard," might be a cliché, but, nonetheless, it's very true. The market has taken a battering that has left most of us wondering where it all went wrong. Though the official... View More
Aug. 26 2009
While it is sometimes called the "soft" side of change, managing the people side of a corporate transition is often the most challenging and critical component of an organizational transformation. Take... View More