Jan. 19 2016
In today’s world, documents, whether paper or electronic, must be routed through an organization to trigger action. Although email is perceived to be superior to paper, it has caused significant... View More
Nov. 24 2015
Competition among companies in all industries has never been more intense when it comes to acquiring and retaining customers—and technology will certainly play a central role as these organizations... View More
Nov. 16 2015
The insurance industry and human resources departments share at least one thing in common. Both are data-heavy environments that include a number of time-consuming, manual workflows. Xerox announced solutions... View More
Nov. 2 2015
Digitech Systems announces the launch of PaperVision Forms Magic technology (the FM technology), which introduces accurate document recognition and classification along with data extraction. Known for... View More
Nov. 2 2015
Software, hardware, who’s kidding who? Everything keeps improving to the point of making its predecessor obsolete. This is called progress. If everything stayed the same, we would still be hunting... View More
Oct. 23 2015
Integrated Document Technologies, Inc. (IDT), a leading provider of products and services that help companies eliminate paper at its source, announces a new partnership with DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign®
Oct. 20 2015
Decision makers may believe minimal or limited access is sufficient to get the benefits associated with mobile enablement. In practice, this tepid, apprehensive approach can actually create new bottlenecks
Oct. 14 2015
The world we live in is becoming richer and more interactive, and the workplace is no exception. Partly because consumer devices include video and mobile networks that do a better job of transmitting... View More
Sept. 29 2015
With DocuWare Forms, global ECM specialist DocuWare is offering an ultra-efficient software for generating digital forms. Forms-based processes are significantly simplified and much more efficient. Re-entering... View More
July 30 2015
While on the surface, adopting electronic signatures looks pretty slick: send a document, get it signed and, badda bing, you’re done. Well, not so fast there Hondo—these are some of the major... View More
July 20 2015
The Internet of things (IoT) will likely be one of the most powerful accelerators for digital transformation in our industry. That said, we at IDC predict that the worldwide IoT market will grow... View More
April 27 2015
In an ideal world, workers would easily be able to move seamlessly between paper, digital and even legacy formats from any information technology (IT) platform that they wished. Integration of information... View More
April 22 2015
Kofax® Limited (NASDAQ: KFX), a leading provider of software to simplify and transform the First Mile™ of customer engagement, today announced the availability of Kofax TotalAgility® 7.2.... View More
April 21 2015
airSpring Software raises the bar on enterprise-class relationship management with Version 2.0 of its solution for rapid web and mobile application development and delivery. The new version streamlines... View More
April 9 2015
I’ve been hearing a lot of angry outbursts from workers, frustrated with shared “group” level electronic content management (ECM) systems. Complaints include: It takes too long to index... View More
March 30 2015
We live in a world of change. Business processes change. Procedures change. Regulatory and legal requirements change. Keeping up with all this change can challenge even the best of us. Forms are like small... View More
March 17 2015
On the heels of the recent e-SignLive™ by Silanis and Xpertdoc Technologies Inc. partnership announcement, both companies announced today at Microsoft Convergence an integrated solution that supports... View More
March 11 2015
At the risk of offending everyone, why have you made a concerted effort to get all of your paper documents into electronic form but still print out signature documents and send them via costly snail mail?... View More
March 4 2015
Project management has been described to be both an art and a science. The science part is easy. The typical project manager tracks numbers and statistics for a week and regurgitates the information to... View More
Feb. 12 2015
Culture can be defined as the ideals, beliefs, behaviors and morals of an organization. Some describe culture as the "soul” of an organization. However, if the culture is not clear or aligned with... View More