Jim Just

Jim Just is a partner with IMERGE Consulting, Inc., with over 20 years of experience in business process redesign, document management technologies, business process management and records and information management. IMERGE Consulting, a vendor neutral consultancy, does not advocate any specific technology or approach to solving today’s complex information governance issues. Rather, we focus on our clients’ goals and outcomes while applying best practices from standards like ISO15489 (www.iso.org) and MoREQ2 (www.moreq.org).
Clean Up Shared Network Drives
April 26 2019
Cleaning up your shared network drives and other unstructured data stores continues to be a major challenge for many organizations. This reinforces the fact that any remediation effort requires resources...
May 14 2018
In content management, metadata is used to uniquely identify content objects, improve search, and manage the life cycle of content. In some cases, it can even reference information that is not necessarily...
The Internet of Things Ushers in Cybersecurity Thr
Nov. 21 2017
What do all of these things have in common: implanted medical devices and critical care devices, factory robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, and Fitbits? All of them are connected through the Internet...
Aug. 10 2017
Fundamentally, blockchain will revolutionize trust, moving the needle away from fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) and toward simpler, more trustworthy transactions. Assaults on our willingness to trust...
June 30 2017
By now, you’ve probably heard some rumblings about blockchain—the shared ledger concept that underlies bitcoin—and how it’s going to change the world. You may have even read an...
ECM Is Important to IG - DOCUMENT Strategy
March 15 2017
Cleaning up shared drives to eliminate redundant, outdated, trivial (ROT) content is pretty easy to do—it has high value for information technology (IT) by freeing up valuable storage, and it has...
Reorganizing Your Shared Drives - DOCUMENT Strateg
Jan. 12 2017
We’ve been writing about shared drive clean-up on and off for the last year. The first article talked about knocking off the low-hanging fruit. The second covered the kinds of
Nov. 3 2016
Last month, I wrote about the need to dedicate resources for enterprise content management (ECM) in order to have a successful program attain rapid time‑to‑value. I wrote about the need for a center of...
Oct. 13 2016
It’s disheartening—and a regular occurrence—to encounter companies that have invested heavily in sophisticated enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM)...
automated time
Sept. 6 2016
Last month, I talked about how using business process management (BPM)/workflow in even the simplest way offers significant governance benefits; workflow doesn’t need to be complex nor difficult...
Aug. 9 2016
Documents, specifically records, do not spring into being for no purpose; they are created in support of business activities. Information governance (IG) is all about keeping track—who, what, when,...
automated vehicle
May 25 2016
This article is about information governance (IG). Trust me. I’ve been reading, thinking, and talking to smart folks about the future of automated vehicles—artificial intelligence (AI) robots...
Feb. 10 2016
Shared drive remediation is a crucial activity for effective information governance (IG). IG helps to lower risks and costs by significantly reducing data volumes and providing accessibility and structure...
Jan. 11 2016
Last month, I discussed the general parameters of a shared drive cleanup (remediation) and some of the problem areas you may face. This month, I’ll walk through a typical remediation decision tree...
Dec. 10 2015
One of the most vexing problems facing organizations today lies in the digital landfill known as “shared drives” (aka network drives or file shares). As an information governance consultancy,...
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    In today's fast-paced world, organizations face increasing pressure to optimize productivity and streamline operations. The introduction of Microsoft Copilot represents a quantum leap forward in enterprise productivity, offering a powerful tool that integrates...
  • In today's fast-paced world, effective customer communication is not just a business obligation — it's a crucial part of the customer experience. Unfortunately, many organizations are bogged down
    In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it
  • business-7304257_1280
    Clear, branded, engaging, and 100% accurate—these are the hallmarks of effective customer communications. Yet, for many organizations, creating them at scale remains a challenge
    In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it