April 7 2023
The modern workplace expects far more "jack of all trades" rather than specialists... View More
March 29 2023
When it comes to modern business, the customer is king. Finding buyers for any product — whether a pair of shoes or a multimillion dollar software package — is increasingly difficult and expensive
March 21 2023
CCM has come a long way since its early days when the industry was exclusively focused on document composition and print communications. Fast forward 30 years and the industry looks very different. Fr
March 16 2023
Whether we like it or not, we live in an omnichannel world. What is good about that, is it provides broader opportunities for communications to conveniently reach customers. In theory, this sounds gre
March 14 2023
We saw the inception of customer communications management (CCM) systems about 20 years ago when what was then known as document composition software evolved to include significant personalization... View More
March 10 2023
The push to digital experiences will continue to grow as digital-savvy consumers demand that communications, invoices and, in general, customer service be available to them via their phones. That brin
Feb. 22 2023
While most companies recognize the need for digital communications, the majority fail to move beyond email and PDF versions of printed documents... View More
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Jan. 3 2023
Every line of business in the insurance industry has segment-specific communication challenges. Add reinsurance, and you compound the challenge of creating the best communication for each type of inte
Nov. 16 2022
When giving consideration to the communications that support your customer experience strategy, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the long-term impact of your choices... View More
Sept. 21 2022
In the midst of shifting workforces, rapidly evolving customer expectations and newly emerging channels, upgrading to cloud-based B2C communications solutions has never been more attractive... View More
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Sept. 21 2022
Customer communications management (CCM) in the cloud has been contemplated for almost two decades. With the processing and I/O demands of large batch communications the feasibility of hosting these s
July 22 2022
It is impossible to witness the changes in business over the past few years without recognizing the need for a communications strategy that reaches beyond the document-centric one we know... View More
April 26 2022
This pandemic has taught us to rethink how we accomplish basic and fundamental activities, like dining, socializing, shopping, learning and yes, even working... View More
Feb. 25 2022
To me, the road to the future looks like a winding road through the front windshield, but it seems to appear as a straight path from the rearview mirror. As we consider the future of omnichannel custo
Feb. 22 2022
Usually, I write predictions for the industry at the start of each year, but let’s try something different. Let’s talk about your predictions and how you will measure your 2022 plan against... View More
Feb. 22 2022
Many of today’s business owners are using AI tech to help improve customer experience. Here are some ways where you can use AI to leave a lasting impression.Create Better Targeted AdsNo one would... View More
Sept. 28 2021
After spending two decades in the industry, I am aware that non-document people think what we do is boring. While it hurts my feelings a bit, they are right most of the time. If we plan, design, resea
June 24 2021
There has been a lot in the news on the “Great Resignation,” an anticipated major wave of job changes as the pandemic slows down. Some resignations are simply pent up from people who didn’t... View More
May 17 2021
It’s interesting times for customer communications professionals... View More
April 27 2021
Approximately two decades ago, document professionals began to look at routine documents, such as monthly invoices or statements, more closely and recognized the blank white space on the page was valu