April 27 2010
April 13 2010
April 8 2010
Holistically, business process management (BPM) is a means to study, identify, change and monitor business processes. It includes techniques, methods and technology to improve and align business processes... View More
March 22 2010
EventEvolution Management Inc., producers of DOCUMENT Strategy Forum, September 13-15th at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago is pleased to announce that they have reached an agreement with the Business... View More
March 3 2010
ECRM announced the launch of WorkMates 4.0, an entry-level workflow solution that greatly enhances the production capabilities of prepress operators. With WorkMates 4.0, users are provided more automated... View More
March 2 2010
As change becomes an increasing constant in the business environment, more enterprises are embracing business process management (BPM) to improve business performance. Increasingly, organizations are pushing... View More
Feb. 22 2010
Feb. 21 2010
Optical Image Technology's latest DocFinity software release continues OIT's rollout of powerful products for business. DocFinity eForms, part of the company's integrated suite of document and business... View More
Dec. 8 2009
Everyone has a list of things they would like to do but never get around to doing them. One of mine has been to collect the market size projections of some of the research terms, for any given product... View More
Oct. 1 2009
Whether you believe Web 2.0 is a significant departure from the original web or merely a logical evolution of the tools that built Web 1.0, as Tim Berners-Lee (the guy behind the WWW) believes, these emerging... View More
Sept. 29 2009
A business process - at its highest level - is any activity that helps an enterprise achieves its goals. Packaged and industry-specific applications form the transactional backbone for most critical business... View More
Aug. 26 2009
The usual (and, in some cases, the only) motivation an organization has in investing time and money with a BPM application is control. Nonetheless, control can mean different things to different people.... View More
June 22 2009
An examination of almost any business process will nd the need for someone's approval somewhere in that process. In today's world of transaction distribution, it may take a number of "somebodies" in several... View More
June 16 2009
The current economic situation has forced document production organizations, both in-house and for-profit service providers, to reevaluate the costs of their production workflow. For reference, production... View More
March 10 2009
For an effective and professional e-forms strategy, enterprises must first evaluate the important elements and considerations for an enterprise-wide program. For development purposes, we divide forms into... View More
March 10 2009
If you have spent any time around software development projects, you know that sticking to the plan requires great discipline. At every opportunity, someone will want to step outside the boundaries for... View More