Mike Spang

Mike Spang is the Vice President of Research at Harvey Spencer Associates (HSA) and has two decades of experience in content capture as well as a background in digital imaging and the healthcare industry. Through his research at HSA, he assists clients in gaining a deeper understanding of how capture and content services can be best applied to business process workflows. Prior to joining HSA, he was a Business Research Director for the Eastman Kodak Company and a Marketing Manager for Business Services at Johnson & Johnson.
July 25 2019
Is the idea behind "big data" really just hype? While there is an enormous amount of data available, it first needs to be understood before it can be useful. Data doesn't necessarily translate into information...
Aug. 13 2018
When a newspaper erroneously reported that Mark Twain had died, legend holds that he said, “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” The same could be said about the apparent demise of...
  • In today's fast-paced world, organizations face increasing pressure to optimize productivity and streamline operations. The introduction of Microsoft Copilot represents a quantum leap forward in enterprise productivity, offering a powerful tool that integrates...
  • In today's fast-paced world, effective customer communication is not just a business obligation — it's a crucial part of the customer experience. Unfortunately, many organizations are bogged down
  • In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it
  • Clear, branded, engaging, and 100% accurate—these are the hallmarks of effective customer communications. Yet, for many organizations, creating them at scale remains a challenge
  • In the transactional print world, there is a change happening, but nobody is talking about it