In a recent AIIM Industry Watch report titled “Improving Business Operations in 2017: Capturing Vital Content,” we took a look at how and where businesses are focusing their efforts to improve... View More
Gartner announced earlier this year that enterprise content management (ECM) was dead and that the industry’s focus should shift toward content services instead. While this caused some intense debate,... View More
Caught in the wake of customer experience (CX) giants like Amazon, Zappos, and Apple, companies in every industry, including heavily regulated ones, are recognizing that CX is becoming a more important... View More
The current approach to cybersecurity is retroactive. Many organizations naïvely believe they aren’t targets and that investing in cybersecurity is futile. With cyber attacks becoming more prominent,... View More
Recent research by Forrester examined the impact that clear communications had on customer experience (CX) scores for organizations in a number of industries. It may come as no surprise that the results... View More
Generative AI (GenAI) is set to revolutionize the Customer Communications Management (CCM) industry, driving profound changes in how businesses interact with their customers
Today, executives are excited about the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) to help their businesses grow and innovate, potentially transforming every part of work, delighting customers with new e
Personalization is the core of what we do in CCM, and we do this on a scale that still requires specialized software that cannot be replaced by marketing or office editing tools. The number of persona