Here we are, Florida in late June, headed into hurricane season. It is the season we stock up on water, batteries and many other supplies in case we should need them for survival. This time of year also... View More
@import url(/Uploads/Public/Images/Media/AdvancedRTFTool/maincss.css); The impact of natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other storms, on our very lives and that of... View More
Superstorm Sandy took no prisoners. Fight back with an emergency management plan that protects all your business assets. When Superstorm Sandy hit the Northeastern United States, more than 7.5 million... View More
BÖWE BELL + HOWELL (BBH) announced that it has been awarded a patent for using electronic means for delivering billing and statement information in the event that a disaster affects a mailer's traditional... View More
DocuLex announces the offering of the company's Archive Studio document and content management software as cloud/software as a service (SaaS) option for disaster recovery and business continuity preparedness.... View More
People. Hire essential personnel to respond and conduct recovery operations. Don't forget maintenance and support programs! Internal Communications. Keep employees informed of the situation and what you... View More
To think about AI in terms of previous multiplicative measurements of data growth and tech capability like Moore’s Law is delimiting. Incremental improvements don’t produce breakthroughs
Enterprise content management (ECM) is a strategic approach to managing an organization's information, supporting processes for creating, capturing, delivering and archiving content
As we stand at the forefront of a rapidly changing digital landscape, customer communications management (CCM) is facing a critical inflection point. The way businesses communicate with their customer
It's no secret that, despite the ongoing quest for digital transformation, many businesses are stuck in the old ways of using fillable PDFs and paper forms to capture information. The first thing tha