The document management environment seldom gets treated as a core competency or a strategic asset for an organization. Documents are typically required by law to fulfill a transaction, or used as a correspondence medium, but what if a company could turn the large investments in document management into a competitive advantage?
In this age of digital communication channels and customer demands of relational integrity by businesses, enterprise content management can be leveraged as strategic differentiators for organizations who believe that superior customer service and retention are strategic capabilities. It only takes reading a few tweets or Facebook messages to recognize that customers today expect excellent service, transparent communication, corporate accountability and stellar reputations.
Customers want to do business with organizations that align to their own values and lifestyle.
In short, customers want to do business with organizations that align to their own values and lifestyle. When this doesn’t happen, customers respond immediately and harshly. Conversely, they will also be a company’s greatest marketing channel if these attributes are managed with care and precision. Enter the new paradigm of content management where organizations can improve customer service and retain their best customers—all by leveraging current investments made in documents and content management.
The DOCUMENT Strategy Forum is about changing the paradigm of content management, to recognize its value to any organization and to help conference attendees with content management strategies for their own organizations.
In my opinion, this is a fantastic time to be involved in documents and content management. Seldom does an opportunity to drive such significant business value present itself, especially within a business and information technology (IT) discipline where companies already have millions of dollars invested. Companies brave enough to embrace this paradigm shift have the opportunity to set their organizations apart from competitors in a marketplace that is demanding, ever-changing and socially sensitive. Communication to and from customers via the appropriate channel, at the right time, for the right purpose, all based on customer preferences, will be required to make this happen. This is the essence of the next generation of content management, and it is the foundational purpose of this conference.
I joined the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum conference board in 2014 after recognizing the changing landscape in content management. My desire is to influence this capability across the industry, and I believe that the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum has the most effective conference forum in this space. The conference objectives and topics are relevant to my own career and current responsibilities, so I have a vested interest in the success of this event. My hope is that you are able to take away effective strategies and action plans for your own organization.
Mark Blazek sits on the advisory board of the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum. For more information, visit www.documentstrategyforum.com.
In my opinion, this is a fantastic time to be involved in documents and content management. Seldom does an opportunity to drive such significant business value present itself, especially within a business and information technology (IT) discipline where companies already have millions of dollars invested. Companies brave enough to embrace this paradigm shift have the opportunity to set their organizations apart from competitors in a marketplace that is demanding, ever-changing and socially sensitive. Communication to and from customers via the appropriate channel, at the right time, for the right purpose, all based on customer preferences, will be required to make this happen. This is the essence of the next generation of content management, and it is the foundational purpose of this conference.
I joined the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum conference board in 2014 after recognizing the changing landscape in content management. My desire is to influence this capability across the industry, and I believe that the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum has the most effective conference forum in this space. The conference objectives and topics are relevant to my own career and current responsibilities, so I have a vested interest in the success of this event. My hope is that you are able to take away effective strategies and action plans for your own organization.
Mark Blazek sits on the advisory board of the DOCUMENT Strategy Forum. For more information, visit www.documentstrategyforum.com.