Adam Attinello

Mr. Attinello has served as eOriginal's director of software engineering since January 2012. In this role, he is responsible for the development, planning and execution of eOriginal's core product lines. Mr. Attinello started with the company in 2006 as quality assurance automation engineer while attending the University of Maryland Baltimore County's computer science undergraduate program. After obtaining his Bachelor's degree in computer science, Mr. Attinello became eOriginal's lead quality assurance engineer and application specialist. He quickly excelled in this position helping to deploy, manage and maintain several customer environments. In June of 2008, Mr. Attinello joined eOriginal's product management team as the manager of software engineering.
Nov. 16 2015
As mobile data usage has risen 69% in the last year, understanding the value of implementing mobile-responsive designs to meet the global consumer’s demand for digital transformation is becoming...
  • I have had the pleasure of working in the information management and process automation fields for near 40 years. During this time, I held many different positions, two of which really opened my eyes
  • Generative AI (Gen AI) has captured the imagination of industries worldwide, but the true potential lies in its practical applications
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a system designed for organizing, storing and retrieving media files and managing digital rights and permissions. DAM systems have become a core component of creative
  • Is Generative AI tipping the scales in favor of building Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software, or will it ever get to that point?
  • Information technology has undergone a major transformation in recent years, sparked by the rise of “big data.”