Feb. 1 2023
Content may still be king, but now, the ownership and control over it may very well belong to the people! With new pressures introduced by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)... View More
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Jan. 12 2023
Global supply chains have largely been ignored by content and process technology vendors. Despite strategic investments in supply chain management (SCM) software, companies still rely heavily on hard... View More
Records Management at the IG Table
July 17 2019
A business's records management department can play a key role in advancing the information governance initiative throughout the organization. As a neutral party, they can serve as a liaison for the various... View More
2 Approaches for Information Governance
May 30 2019
Establishing a collaborative information governance committee is vital to sustaining a records and information management (RIM) program. In the past, organizations often formed an oversight committee to... View More
May 8 2019
To manage your organization's records, there are a couple of different models at either extreme: from a fully centralized records and information management (RIM) program to a decentralized approach, to... View More
Clean Up Shared Network Drives
April 26 2019
Cleaning up your shared network drives and other unstructured data stores continues to be a major challenge for many organizations. This reinforces the fact that any remediation effort requires resources... View More
Big Buckets vs Small Bucket
March 21 2019
The use of the big bucket or small bucket retention method has been debated by proponents of each for many years. Is one method really better than the other? Certainly, one approach is not universally... View More
5 RIM Solutions You Need
Jan. 9 2019
Can an organization manage the vast array of records and information assets without a third-party tool? While Microsoft Office 365 proclaims to have many records management capabilities, it also professes... View More
4 Questions for a Records Management Program
March 8 2018
There are four fundamental questions senior executives must ask about records and information management (RIM) to fully understand the essential components of a RIM program. The answers discovered in the... View More
Information Processes for Disaster Recovery
Nov. 28 2017
How prepared are you for a disaster? As we leave hurricane season behind us and make way for the winter storms ahead, consider that a disaster can also include a burst water pipe, fire, wind, and other... View More
Oct. 16 2017
This article appears in the Fall 2017 digital issue of DOCUMENT Strategy. Subscribe.There is a new specification on the block for managing electronic records. In August, the National Archives and... View More
July 6 2017
Archive360, Inc., announced that its Archive2Azure managed compliance storage solution for the Microsoft Azure cloud platform has met the standards set forth by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,... View More
Content Could Stop Your Business
May 23 2017
Content is so important that it could potentially stop your processes and freeze the business in its tracks. That’s right. I said it. In a recent AIIM Industry Watch report titled “2017 State... View More
May 19 2017
BackupAssist, a leading provider of automated Windows server backup and recovery software for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), announced version 10 of the company's popular BackupAssist backup and... View More
ig compliance
Sept. 8 2016
With the rapid growth of digital content, ever-changing compliance regulations, evolving rulings on legal e-discovery, and the persistence of a “keep everything” culture, few organizations... View More
Aug. 18 2016
So, what’s so important about documents versus records in today’s digital enterprises? First, it’s important to understand that documents do not become records until they are declared... View More
March 10 2016
We have been accumulating electronic documents in shared drives since the innovation of networked computers and file servers in the early 1980s. Folders and sub-folders defined in shared or network drives... View More
Jan. 28 2016
As Thomas Jefferson once said, “With great risk comes great reward.” The race toward competitive differentiation calls for organizations to be bold, but at what cost? In business, we must understand... View More
Jan. 6 2016
During the advent of the modern information technology age, Microsoft Outlook was the top communications tool. It organized everything from emails, contacts and calendars to managing our daily lives by... View More
Dec. 21 2015
In 2013, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) issued guidance to federal agencies for a simplified approach to managing email, known as the “Capstone” approach. The intent... View More
  • Customer Experience (CX) is not a new concept. It’s been around long enough for some analysts to predict that Customer Experience is “out” and Customer Effort (CE) is “in” (and both have an
  • Document fraud is an age-old problem that is becoming more complicated as technology becomes more sophisticated
  • Bills, invoices and statements are opened, read and acted upon by nearly everyone. So too are letters and notices — some surveys say up to 99%
  • In today’s fast-paced world, patience is a rare commodity, especially when dealing with the cumbersome task of filling out forms. Whether paper or digital, forms are often seen as necessary evils
  • Measuring the success of your integrated marketing campaign should include a thorough, big-picture understanding of your efforts rather than simply reviewing individual channel data